As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...

By : Nazish Shekha & Shahzad Hooda for : Triple Bottom-Line (TBL), Pakistan June 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The National Volunteer Programme (NVP) has been launched by Triple Bottom-Line with a vision to ‘strive for a just and prosperous society in which the marginalized will emerge from distress through the caring support of other, more privileged […]
The Editorial Team at TBL recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Ms. Zoya Altaf, a full time PR and Communications professional. We are thankful to her for taking time out of her busy schedule and sharing with us her thoughts about the importance of volunteering and the impact it has had in her […]
Health literacy is important for an individual to keep track of his/her health because it majorly impacts the health outcomes. In a community the health prospects of its population depends upon the cognitive awareness about health information. Individuals with low health literacy may not be able to manage their health and are more prone to […]
Corporate social responsibility and socio-economic development of communities have for long become interlinked. In many parts of the world, the government no longer has enough money or the manpower to address all of society’s problems or often, even basic needs. The corporate sector has been making financial contributions towards many of these needs of society […]