CSR Basics

We at tbl are happy to share that our readership is expanding, both quantitatively and demographically. We believe that it is essential for teams at all levels of an organization to develop an understanding of CSR, and not only those who are directly involved in CSR.

CSR is still relatively a new concept for many and is often misunderstood. We see it as a holistic strategy manifested in an organization’s core values and operations. An approach that measures success according to the triple bottom-line! With this goal in mind, tbl introduces the ‘CSR 101’ section. This will be a regular feature in all issues, introducing readers to the core concepts of CSR.

Through diversifying our content, we hope to disseminate knowledge and understanding of the various facets of CSR. Our goal remains the same: that CSR embeds itself into organizations’ core business models.

CSR Defined

The commitment of businesses to contribute to sustainable economic development by working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large to improve their lives in ways that are good for business and for development



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