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2010 GRI Conference Transparency Towards A Sustainable Global Economy

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) hosted the 3rd Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency on 26-28 May, 2010. Described as the largest multi-stakeholder conference focusing on the role of organizational transparency in a sustainable global economy, GRI says this was the first meeting of this size and global composition. The conference urged radical and […]

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6point8 Billion: The Citizen Stakeholders

Is it possible to engage each and every human on the planet as a stakeholder? Is it possible to make every single voice count? Is it possible to get all citizens on board to arrive at decisions that are relevant to the entire population? The answer is: YES. A resounding, no dream, all hard fact […]

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Overcoming The Academia-Industry Trust Deficit

Shell-Eco Marathon, a concept that most of us residing in Pakistan, were unaware of until last year, has now become the talk of Pakistan’s engineering universities. The Shell Eco-marathon began in 1939 at an American Shell research labo-ratory as a friendly venture between scientists to see who could get the most miles per gallon from […]

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Marketers! Ask Not “to Tweet or Book?”

Ask how both can be used as a part of an overall branding strategy in the appropriate way. Facebook and Twitter are playing a larger role in brand strategy than anyone could have expected. What started off as a social networking tool for the mere purpose of harmless interaction has turned into an online billboard […]

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